The value of а hobby is whеn yоu gеt more оut of it thаn you put intо it.
Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The participants (known as campers) leave urban areas, their home region, orcivilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several nights outdoors, usually at a campsite. Camping may involve the use of a tent, caravan, motorhome, cabin, a primitive structure, or no shelter at all. In many parts of the world[where?], 'camping' refers exclusively to the use of tents or similar portable structures[citation needed].
Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century. Campers frequent national or state parks, otherpublicly owned natural areas, and privately owned campgrounds. Camping is a key part of the program of many youth organizations around the world, such as scouting. It is used to teach self-reliance and team work.
Camping is also used as a cheap form of accommodation for people attending large open air events such as sporting meetings and music festivals. Organizers often provide a field and other basic amenities.

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